How to Use Reddit for Marketing


Using Reddit for marketing purposes can produce a windfall of exposure for your product or service, if you know how to leverage it right. Otherwise, Reddit continues to be a perplexing animal for marketing types, uncertain of what it is, what it can do, and its reputation for negative users.

But Reddit is actually a wonderful exercise in marketing principles. It teaches you how to target your message, craft your message, present your message honestly and openly.

Marketing on Reddit

1. Start with a good username.  When you create a user account, use the name of your business as your username.  Don’t use your personal name, unless your personal name is the name you’re trying to market.  Otherwise, if your business is named, “Jones SEO Consulting”, then set up a username as “JonesSEOConsulting”.

  • The user profile page on Reddit does not include a link to your website. Hence, you’ll want a good username to market with.
  • Reddit doesn’t allow domain names as usernames.
  • If your business is a single word, consider using ALL CAPS to create more effect. “AMERIPRISE” versus “Ameriprise”

reddit flair2. Show your flair! Each subreddit allows you to display flair on your posts and responses. Flair is simply your username. If you uncheck the box, then your name won’t display.

  • Some subreddits allow you to edit your flair just for that subreddit. The r/Blogging subreddit allows you to add your domain name (unhyperlinked). The r/Twitter subreddit allows you to display your Twitter handle. Others allow you to change the font color of your flair.
  • Find subreddits that allow you to modify your flair, and frequently post/respond on them to take full advantage.

3. Post links to your website. This is where it gets touchy. Reddit users have little tolerance for spamming, even if the original poster (OP) was trying to remain on-topic. However, users will appreciate links if you’re posting it as part of a larger conversation.

  • If you want to promote your latest article, don’t do it simply by posting the link and a brief description. Instead, find a controversial angle, then present your argument, and offer the link to your article. As long as you’re trying to create conversation, users will typically welcome links.
  • Post links only in relevant subreddits. Don’t post the same link into multiple subreddits, it’s obviously spamming. Users will be able to click on your profile link, and see the all subreddits you’ve posted the same link into.
  • Reddit users respond to useful things, and are very critical of spam and selfish promotion. Thus, always present your link from the standpoint of waiting to discuss further, or offering something of value.

4. Reddit Search Marketing. Reddit’s native search engine is the true power of Reddit marketing. Users run searches to research topics and questions. Many prefer to search Reddit directly instead of going through Google. Therefore, post new content into Reddit frequently so that more of your content shows up on search.

  • Repeat keywords multiple times, and include the keyword into the post title.
  • Do keyword research first to identify the best keyword/phrase.
  • Post your content into the most relevant subreddit.

5. Create your own subreddit. You can actually create your own subreddit for free, and make it for anything you want. By doing so, you become the moderator, giving you some additional promotion for your username.

  • Create a subreddit for your own business. Unless your business is as popular as Coca-Cola, it won’t attract many users. But you can certainly work hard at it, create lots of content, and take advantage of Reddit Search.
  • Don’t create a subreddit for a topic that’s already been created. Reddit users hate nothing more than multiple subreddits for the same subject.
  • Customize your subreddit to include your business logo, and use images that include your domain name. But don’t overdo the shameless self-promotion. Reddit users despise it.
  • You can only create a subreddit if your user account is over 30 days old.

6. Buy advertising on Reddit. Reddit can place a sponsored post into any subreddit you want. Many large companies already do it. It’s not that expensive too. Ads start at $5.00. Reddit’s advertising page is linked from the bottom of the site.

  • Reddit ads can generate tons of clicks if placed into a highly popular subreddit. However, Reddit users don’t typically engage with ads unless you’re offering something special to Reddit users. Craft a special Reddit promotion, where Reddit users can get a discount, something for free. Have them create a login, or subscribe to your newsletter.
  • Reddit ads are also great for branding. Include your business name and business logo.
  • Make a Reddit ad timely by promoting something in conjunction with a holiday or event, it will capture more attention.
  • Reddit ads are not permanently placed. They will be removed when they expire.

7. Keep multiple Reddit accounts. Use at least two Reddit accounts, and keep them both active. Use one account to post a question that is related to your industry, but doesn’t name your business. For example, “What was the strangest thing you bought on” Then use your other Reddit account, preferably the one where the user name is your business name, and post a response. Responses from brands are typically received by other users without negativity.

  • Keep one account with an unremarkable username (Daniel453) to post the question, and then another with your company name (MountainCoffeeCo) to post the response.
  • Create several remarkable usernames, if you plan to use this tactic, so that other users won’t suspect your activities.
  • Don’t overdo the shameless self-promotion. Keep it humble.

8. Ask Reddit users. There are some subreddits that can be useful for gathering feedback. For example, r/AskReddit can be used to post questions. Don’t specifically name your brand, because you’re more than likely to get a lot of negative responses. However, you could ask, “What Reddit ads have you actually clicked?” and then gather feedback to help you plan your Reddit marketing strategy.

9. Find commercial friendly subreddits. There actually are some subreddits where brands and marketers are more well received, provided they don’t capitalize too much. For example, r/ExplainLikeImFive allows users to post newbie questions. Monitor this subreddit and post answers to questions in your niche. Assuming you have created a username that contains your business name and/or niche, you can now present yourself as useful and be recognized for it. In your answer, you can also finish with a link to a FAQ page on your website, or a detailed analysis on your blog.

  • Try also r/IAmA, which is where you can post yourself as a professional, stating your qualifications. Check it out to understand it better.

10. More Reddit Marketing Tips. Here are some other articles that have useful Reddit marketing tips…

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