Sash Appears on the Saturday Morning Success TV Show

Where is Sash?

Sash was the featured guest on Saturday Morning Success TV Show, a weekly television show broadcasted throughout Riverside County, CA.

Hosted by Denis Nurmela, an entrepreneur and CEO, as well as an accomplished writer, motivational speaker and corporate trainer, Saturday Morning Success interviews business people on how they achieved success in their respective fields. Sash described her recent 6-month cross-country motorcycle trip where she met people, established contacts, and keeps in touch with them via e-mail, social media, and phone calls, and then draws upon their assistance when she needs their expertise.

“It actually started out as a marketing vehicle for our business we had in Menifee”, Sash said when asked about her name. “I was 2011 Ms. Menifee Valley Chamber. I did that after a huge change in my life. I broke out of my shell and I said I’m ready to do something for my community, and something for myself. And when you’re wearing a crown and sash, everyone notices you!

Sash WalkerSash went on to describe her life-changing experience of getting rid of her belongings, moving out of her home, and travelling across the country with her husband on motorcycles. “The truth is that our motorcycling has much to do with running our business”, she went on to add. “We own a business in marketing and publishing. We planned this trip for a year and a half, just like each business has to have a business plan. But what we didn’t have was a route. We let the route unfold on its own. You have to have faith that the road will take you to your destination.”

Saturday Morning Success is a local favorite show in Riverside County.  Its host Denis Nurmela built a solid reputation in the area as a business enthusiast.

Watch the television show below (skip to 22:30 to see Sash)

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